Wow – it appears it’s been almost 3 months since my last post. Horrible. I have a good excuse, though:
It’s true! Due date is 10/24, but since I’ve never had a baby early or on time we’re assuming we’ll have our little person here by Thanksgiving at least, RIGHT?! I’m almost 15 weeks now, so we should find out the gender soon. I’m thinking it will be at my early June appointment. We’re all pretty excited to get to put a name to the little bean. You know we won’t TELL you the name until he/she arrives, but it will be fun to know. The girls are both pulling for another female (poor James!), and James and I are both pulling for a little man. Whatever God has for us will be perfect, though. This pregnancy has definitely been different than the ones with the girls. I never threw up with either one of the girls, but I often throw up in the morning before I can get food in my stomach with this one. Even into this last week which seems crazy to me. With the girls, I was all done with the nausea by the second trimester. This little person also seems to be taking over my immune system. I’m on my second cold since finding out I’m pregnant. The first was a horrible sinus infection, and I’m now in the middle of a vicious sore throat and cough. So frustrating since it impacts my much needed sleep! Work for me has been crazy lately, too. I’m in the middle of transitioning to a new job at PwC. I’m sure excited about the new job and the flexibility it will allow me. The problem is, there isn’t a replacement for my old job yet, and the full time assistant that is needed for my new job left the firm a few weeks ago. So, I’m basically doing 3 jobs right now. I can’t lie – it’s sort of exhausting. BUT, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Both positions will be filled in mid-May and should be trained up and operational by June. I’m close!
April continues to be an insane month for us. My birthday was the 19th, Emma’s is the 23rd, and James is the 25th. We celebrated Easter on the 24th, and Emma’s party was today. Posts coming soon on all of that, but this Momma is TIRED! :)