Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wiebehaus Christmas 2008

So, the real message here is that we're pathetic at taking pictures during Christmas. I don't even HAVE one of Emerson. Mom and Dad took a bunch, so maybe some day I'll get them all from them. But, since Brittney said she'd never seen my house decorated for Christmas I thought I'd grab a couple of photos of the arches all decorated and my chandelier above the dining room table for her and anyone else interested.

James followed a tradition started by his dad where he made homemade blocks for Ellie. James and his siblings (and spouses) made the castle below. Ellie loved it and still plays with her blocks daily.

Ellie also got the Fisher Price Smart Cycle. We already have it put away since we're selling the house, but she likes it. If we could only get her to cycle forward then she'll be in good shape. Maybe in a couple more months.

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