Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Woodbury’s are Going to London

Our good friends Geoff and Shelley are heading to London for a two year assignment for PwC. We get together most Thursday nights with them to watch some of our favorite shows. When we first started, Ellie was the only kid, and even she was a baby. It’s been a long time, and we’re going to miss them for sure. Here’s all of the kids as of the last time we got together. Needless to say, our TV nights are a little noisier than they were when we started. We're going to miss them a ton, but we now have our webcam all set up for visits! We also plan to go visit them in London at some point in the next 2 years. :)

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1 comment:

Mrs. Brady said...

wow. aren't you the busy blogger! i am so sorry to hear about the woodbury's. i'm sure they will have a wonderful time, but i know you guys will miss them a lot.

baby development